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  1. SV vortex flow meters
  2. Setup and support
  3. Installation guidelines

SV vortex flow meter installation guidelines

Thank you for your purchase of an SV vortex flow meter. On this and the following pages, you will find information to help you install the sensor and program it as well as answers to frequently asked questions.

Should you need additional support after selecting your vortex flow meter, feel free to contact our service center at 800-441-8246 and speak to one of our applications engineers.

Direction of flow

The arrow etched on the sensor housing indicates flow direction.  Because of the technology, the medium must flow in the direction of the arrow. Vortices form when the media passes by the bluff body and are then detected by the piezoceramic sensor downstream.

Mounting locations

Air bubbles and partially filled pipes can affect the measured values. As long as the meter is installed in a closed loop system where the pipe is always filled and no air bubbles can form, the orientation of the sensor (horizontal or vertical) is not critical. For open piping systems, install the meter in front of or in a rising pipe.

Straight pipe run requirements

For vortices to form properly, it is critical to prevent disturbances in the flow, such as elbows, valves, pipe reductions, etc. The chart below indicates the required straight pipe runs before and after obstructions in the flow path.

The chart show the required straight pipe runs before and after the SV meter to ensure laminar flow in the system.  Obstructions detailed includes ideal and non-ideal bends, multiple bends, reduced pipe diameter and a valve or pump.


If the medium temperature is above 50 °C / 122 °F, parts of the housing can heat up to over 65 °C / 149 °F. Protect against risks of burns and unitentional contact with flammable substances. Apply the warning label supplied with the sensor to the cable near the housing.

Next, read more about programming and device configuration for your vortex flow meter